For better or worse – ways that broadband changed the UK

The very invention of broadband has changed our lives but it is arguably the availability of broadband that has had the most notable effect on the way we live our lives. Broadband is now available in our homes, 24 hours a day with almost 90% of households accessing superfast broadband and it has changed our lives in several different ways.

We can work where we like

Government statistics show that more than four million Britons work from home, that’s more than 14% of the total working population. This has been a huge advancement that broadband availability gave rise to. People that live far from their workplaces have availability to more opportunities simply because our access to internet allows it. People can work from home, from the local coffee shop or from different countries.

We can interact with our communities

Many individuals and families rely on their internet connection to be involved in their local community. Staying up to date with local community events and information. They use the internet to access information on services such as playgroups, social activities and other amenities.

Bettering the economy

The digital economy is growing stronger and creating more than 1.56 million jobs in the UK. The digital economy grew 32% faster than the rest of the economy between 2011 and 2014. Driving innovation and creativity forward, the digital economy is pushing the UK forward. New digital trends like cloud storage, mobile web services and social media are changing the business landscape.

Shopping from the sofa

Reliable broadband has allowed for 24-hour shopping, we can do it on our mobile devices or at home from our tablet or desktop. The UK has one of the top online commerce markets in the world. In 2014, 74% of adults purchased goods online. There is no need for us to aimlessly walk around shops looking for what we need, the products that we are searching for are a click away.

Keeping in contact

It can be difficult to stay in touch with people and internet access has eased the pressures of keeping up to date with people. It has allowed us to broaden our social circle, allowing us to stay in touch with people that we may never see face-to-face. With 1.9 billion people now using social media, it has never been easier to keep in contact. This has also aided business to network more easily with other companies and potential employees.

On – demand entertainment

There was a time when only 4 television channels existed and we had to wait for our programmes to come on. Now we can access hundreds of on demand video entertainment services at the touch of a button. These services have revolutionised television, with subscription services available for films, sports and television. By the end of 2015, these services were being used by 5% of adults in the UK.

Connected homes

We have entered an age where we can control our homes from our phones and online devices. We can control our heating from an app and even keep tabs on burglar and fire alarms for home security.

We’ve gone paperless

Everything is now available online, from bank statements to tax returns. Our use of high speed broadband has cut down our need to print and post documents. Even the NHS has been challenged to go paperless by 2018.

Online storage

UK businesses and private users now have access to online storage, like the cloud, so documents, photos and other files can be store and accessed securely.

Meeting people on a global scale

Video conferencing has become a standard part of business practice. Reliable and consistent broadband allows us to “meet” without having to be in the same location. This gives businesses the chance to access global markets and build their businesses a lot quicker.

At ITC we listen to your needs, there are many options available for your business broadband needs and it can be difficult to decide which is most suitable. Save yourself some valuable time and contact ITC about your business broadband needs. Call our friendly team on 0845 652 0450, or email

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